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COVID Considerations & Cancellation


Rest assured that the weekend will take place with your health & safety in mind. 


First and foremost, the decision about whether the weekend is a go (or not) is governed by the current state of government/public health guidelines and recommendations. Furthermore, all participants will be required to comply with the recommendations put in place to protect the safety of yourself and of the other participants. Mask wearing, frequent hand washing and spacing are important, as is letting me know if you experience any possible COVID symptoms. More specifically, this means:


  • Mask must be worn outdoors when a distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained

  • Mask must be worn indoors at all times, except when eating or when in your room

  • Participants will be spread out during meal time

  • Participants must use hand sanitizer before/after using communal objects

  • Participants will conduct self-screening before arriving and each subsequent morning and throughout the day as needed


*Depending on the state of the vaccine and the rollout in Canada, participants might be required to show proof of vaccination or negative test result before entering the chalet for the weekend. 


Failure to comply with the above will result in early departure without refund. 


Additional Safety Measures


In addition to the conditions above, the following measures will also be in place: 


  • Small groups: My weekend camps and retreats have always been on the smaller size (10-14 people), as this facilitates the comradery among participants while also allowing me to easily tailor the weekend to meet everyone’s needs.  In a time where large group gatherings are discouraged or restricted, the size of the group will be well-appreciated.

  • Spacious accommodations: We will be spread out been two large chalets, giving us ample space.

  • Outdoors as much as possible: When feasible (i.e. weather dependent), we will conduct our group activities (discussions, mobility work, etc.) outdoors either at the trail head or on the outside patio. 

  • Limited carpooling: As needed, we will drive separate cars (or limit the number of passengers per vehicle) to the trail head.

  • Meal considerations: Dinners will be provided from an outside caterer, as this will reduce the need to gather while prepping the meals. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, thereby reducing the need to dine-in at a restaurant. Weather permitting, we will have the option to eat outdoors on the patio; otherwise we can spread out between the dining room and living room during meal time. 

  • Cleaning: There will be countless bottles of hand soap and hand sanitizers and all chalets have been cleaned thoroughly in between visit 


Registration & Cancellation Policy


To make it a little bit more easy to make decisions during unpredictable times, I've adjusted my registration policy and a deposit of 50% will be due upon registration, and the remaining balance will be due 3 weeks prior to the event (May 14, 2021). 


Should the situation become such that the Trail Run Camp needs to be cancelled as a result of government or public health regulations/recommendations, your registration payment (deposit or full payment) will be deferred to another weekend event within a 2-year period. If there is a difference in fees you will be either reimbursed for the difference or charged the additional fee.


Cancellations on your behalf (for any reason) are non-refundable. However, if a suitable replacement can be found to take your spot, you will be refunded the amount paid minus a potential $50 administration fee. 

© 2018 Jennifer Faraone

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